On The Blog

Webinar vs. Paid Mini Workshop: What's Right for Your Business? funnels kajabi

As an online business owner, it's easy to get overwhelmed with the online terms and types of funnels. If you're in the process of choosing between hosting a free webinar or offering a paid mini workshop, understanding the differences between the two is importan. Let’s talk...

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Harnessing the Power of Quizzes in 2024 automation kajabi quizzes

This year, I decided to do something new for my lead generation, which was create an online quiz! Is a quiz right for you this year?  Today, we're talking about this lead generation strategy that has more than one benefit to your business.


1. Engaging with Audiences:



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Reflecting on 2023: Balancing Life, Work, and a Dash of Chaos community kajabi

It’s hard to believe the whirlwind that was 2023 is coming to a close. It involved taking care of two kids, diving deep into the Kajabi world, and a fair share of sleepless nights turned into reading opportunities. Let's break it down—the good, the not-so-good, and a sneak peek into...

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Quarterly Updates: This Summer's Newest Features: What's new in Kajabi ai community customization kajabi

When it comes to Kajabi, the platform is constantly changing and evolving. Sometimes it can be a lot to keep up with, so let's see what's new on this first day of summer!


Multiple Payment Options

One of exciting things coming up in Kajabi is the option to use multiple payment options....

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Automate Your Course Marketing and Sell More with Deadline Funnel automation course creation kajabi


Today, I want to introduce you to a game-changing tool that can turbocharge your course sales: Deadline Funnel. You know the struggle of trying to get potential students to take action and enroll in your amazing course. We are all too distracted and are easily taken away from a sales page...

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Unveiling the Hidden Gems: 5 Fun Things Most People Don't Know About Kajabi community course creation customization email marketing gamification kajabi

When it comes to online course platforms, Kajabi stands out as a favorite among online business owners. Its helpful features and easy to use design for customers make it a go-to choice for course creators worldwide. Beyond its obvious use to create courses, Kajabi holds some hidden gems...

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