Webinar vs. Paid Mini Workshop: What's Right for Your Business?

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Webinar vs. Paid Mini Workshop

As an online business owner, it's easy to get overwhelmed with the online terms and types of funnels. If you're in the process of choosing between hosting a free webinar or offering a paid mini workshop, understanding the differences between the two is importan. Let’s talk about the key differences so you can find the best fit for your business and audience.

Webinars: High-Level Infomercials with a Big Pitch

Webinars have become a popular marketing tool for many businesses. They’re often seen as free, value-packed events, but in reality, they function more like high-level infomercials. While you do provide some valuable insights during a webinar, the primary goal is usually to build up to a big pitch for your larger paid offer.

Webinars are great for creating awareness and introducing your expertise. However, the content tends to be more surface-level, offering just enough information to make attendees want to dive deeper into your full program. The webinar typically ends with a strong call-to-action encouraging participants to enroll in your signature course, membership, or another higher-ticket offer.

While this approach works well for some, it may not be the best fit if you're looking to provide immediate, tangible results for your audience or if you prefer a more subtle sales approach.

Paid Mini Workshops: Actionable Mini Courses with Real Results

On the other hand, paid mini workshops are a totally different experience. Think of them as mini courses designed to offer a specific transformation or outcome by the end of the session. Unlike webinars, paid mini workshops aren’t just teasers for your bigger offer. Instead, they deliver actionable content that people can use right away, without the need to sign up for your larger signature course.

One of the key advantages of a paid mini workshop is that it’s usually an impulse buy. Priced typically under $50, these workshops don’t require much thought from your audience. A $27 mini-workshop is often considered a sweet spot, but you should consider your industry and what your audience would consider a no-brainer investment. The idea is that people can decide to join your workshop within seconds, without overthinking the cost.

Live or Evergreen: Flexibility with a Focus on Validation

Paid mini workshops can be delivered live or as an evergreen product. However, I strongly recommend starting with a live version. Why? Running it live allows you to validate that it’s something people actually want, and it gives you the chance to receive immediate feedback from participants. After really perfecting the content based on this feedback, you can then think about changing to an evergreen model.

A Gateway to Your Bigger Offers

While paid mini workshops provide real value on their own, they can also lead to your other offerings. Whether it’s a membership, a bigger course that dives deeper into the topic, or DIY services or 1:1 coaching, your mini workshop can naturally lead participants to the next step.

Growing Your List with a Paid Mini Workshop

You can also use a paid mini workshop in place of a traditional lead magnet to grow your email list. If you have no list at all, I’d recommend having both—a lead magnet funnel and a mini workshop. While using a paid mini workshop as a lead magnet funnel may be slower than a freebie, the leads you attract will be of higher quality. These are people who have already shown they’re willing to invest in your expertise, making them much more likely to buy from you again in the future.

Choose Wisely

Choosing between a webinar and a paid mini workshop depends on your goals and how you want to engage with your audience. If you’re aiming for a broader reach and a more traditional sales funnel, a webinar might be the way to go. But if you’re looking to deliver immediate value, provide a real transformation, and attract high-quality leads, a paid mini workshop could be your best bet.

Remember to think about your audience, price your workshop at an impulse-buy level, and consider starting live to validate your content. With the right approach, your paid mini workshop can be a powerful tool in your offers!

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