Parenthood and Productivity: How I Work from Home with Kids

As I continue my summer of blogging, today is my oldest daughter's 3rd birthday. I started my business online when she was a few months old, so a date like today reminds me that I've been in this online world for almost 3 years!

After I left the classroom, I searched for a way to work from home part-time with kids. I LOVE being home with kids, but I stared wanted to have something for myself to grow and have after my kids went to school. It's easy to get lost in the shuffle of being a stay at home mom, so starting my own business helped me to carve in some time for myself and my passions. 

I knew I didn't want to go back into the typical classroom. Going back to requesting time off, rushing out of the house to school, and dealing with stressful parents wasn't the best choice for me with kids at home. I don't know how teachers go to school all day and then come home to their own kids, and I will definitely keep that in mind when my kids go to school!

With the help of family, I've managed to find time between taking care of two kids to work part time from home. Here are a few things I've learned and how I get things done in the crazy days.'


  1. Establish a Routine:

    Kids thrive on routine, so set up a consistent schedule that blends work and playtime. Create designated blocks for work, breaks, meals, and activities. This structure will help your children understand when you're available and when you need focused work time.

  2. Create a Dedicated Workspace:

    I hav   specific area as my home office. It's not big, and it has a few different roles, but it helps me to shut the door for zoom calls and focus on work. I try to keep it organized, have my helpful second monitor, mouse, and bluetooth keyboard, and I have added some personal touches to make it feel more like me. 

  3. Embrace Flexible Schedules:

    Working from home allows for flexibility, so take advantage of it. This means I schedule zoom calls early in the morning or later in the evening when they're asleep, as well as leaving room in my calendar for calls on the weekends. It's hard to know exactly when the kids will be sleeping, so scheduling when my husband is off of work helps to make sure I am not distracted.

  4. Plan Activities:

    With the help of online moms like Busy Toddler and Mother Could, I love finding activities my toddler will love. This helps to keep her occupied and entertained if I have to work. Crafts, puzzles, and interactive toys helps keep them engaged and happy.

  5. Using Screen Time Strategically:

    While excessive screen time isn't ideal, I can't pretend this isn't used at times.  We love Wee Talkers Songs+stories membership as a guilt free screen time, and my toddler usually watches 2 of these videos a day. It's like a library story time on demand! She is also getting into watercolor, so there are some tutorial videos she will watch while she begins painting.

  6. Prioritize Communication:

    As a parent, I make sure my clients know I have kids. This is an important part of my life, and most understand the need for flexibility, and I try to give the same understanding to other working parents! 

  7. Seek Support:

    I have such a supportive family that helps make this possible. Don't hesitate to reach out for support from your spouse, family, or friends. Sharing childcare responsibilities or asking for help during peak work hours can provide you with the much-needed breathing space and support. As I write this, we have a mother's helper who is here for two hours. She is coming once a week on Mondays to entertain the toddler while the baby naps, and it is really helping to start my week off on a productive note.

  8. Embrace Imperfection:

    Finally, remember that perfection is overrated. I try to remember this when I see the glossy pictures on Instagram. We are only seeing the best of everyone's highlight reels online. Be kind to yourself and accept that some days will be messier and more challenging than others. Celebrate the small victories and find joy in the chaos because, in the end, you're doing an incredible job of being both business owner and a parent.


Working from home with kids can be demanding, but I think showing my girls that I can have my own hobbies and passions is important for them.  It's so important to be creative and stay flexible. You can create a  balance between your business and family.

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