Wondering if Kajabi is right for you?

course creation kajabi membership creation
computer with coffee


Sometimes it can be tricky to know if you need to jump ship or start something new. If you've been curious about Kajabi but don't know if it's right for you or not, let's see if we can clear things up a bit for you!


1. You are ready to create your own course or membership


If you've been thinking about creating a course or membership, Kajabi could be the right fit for you. This platform has many uses, but courses and memberships are the big things that attract people to this space. Do you have a great idea for a course or membership?


2. You want to trim down some of your subscriptions.


If you currently have a website on Wordpress, email on Mailchimp, and a course idea floating around in your head, this just might be the right thing for you! Kajabi can do all of these things (and more) all on the same platform.


3. You've taken other courses on Kajabi and have loved it.


If you're a course junkie (like me) you may already have used Kajabi and may not even know it. This platform is very popular with course creators and even has its own Kajabi app. If you love it, then this could be the right next step for you!


4. You have a good social media following and people have been asking what's next.


If your email list or social media following has been asking the same questions over and over, chances are it might be time to finally create the course or membership.


Kajabi is also a great place to set up your sales funnel with your free opt-in, 3 day free video course, or challenge. If you need help setting these up, I'd love to help! Fill out this questionnaire to get on my calendar for a connection call!

Need help with your Kajabi account or want to get started? Book a connection call to chat more!

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