Do you have your course built in Kajabi, but haven't started selling yet? 

Stop wasting valuable time and get started with a Kajabi specialist now. 

What if you said yes today to putting your course out there and started making money?

Book a Connection Call
Create your course or membership

Start Bringing in Money

Build your Sales Funnel

Are you ready to finally sell your course?

When there's a missing piece in your Kajabi business, it's time to bring in someone to help. 
Book a Connection Call >

I know Kajabi can be overwhelming.

I've figured it out for you. 


Looking at an empty Kajabi site or membership can be daunting. Quit looking to Youtube and Google to figure things out for you. 


My passion is helping business owners with the Kajabi tech, sales funnels, and course design. Let's take some of the overwhelm off of your shoulders.



If your workload is stressing you out, look no further. Help is here.


Sales Funnel Creation

Get started with your sales funnel, from the sales page to the checkout page, let me help with the backend.

I need a sales funnel!


Course and Membership Builds

Quit dreaming about a beautiful and functional course or membership, and make it happen.

Help me with my course!


Maintenance Packages

Have a set group of tech tasks that need done in your course, website, or membership inside of Kajabi weekly or monthly? Consider it done.

Let's work together monthly!

You're 3 steps away from transforming your business:

Fill out a discovery call questionnaire.

Once you fill out the questionnaire, an email will be sent with my calendar to book a call. 

Let's chat

We will figure out a plan and how to get things done.

Take a deep breath.


I'll send over a proposal for you with what you need. It's time to get back to what you love about your business!

Hi, I'm Laura

An elementary school teacher turned Kajabi Specialist.  


In 2020 I decided to take a step away from the classroom and into the digital world, and I'm so happy I did. Want to learn more about me? Check out my about page.


My experience can help you skip the unnecessary steps in creating your next big idea. It's time to get things done.

Learn More >

Download the Free Guide:

5 Tips to Get started in Kajabi 

Getting started isn't as scary as you think. Get my guide and access my 5 steps to get started today.